Post Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:33 pm

Clinton River Report For Monday 10/27/14

Between doing some yard work and winterizing I had a few hours to fish today. The water is still low with much needed rain but has that nice green hue to it which often coin ciders with a hook-up or two from a willing steelhead. No hook-ups today as there is most definitely a lack of fish. Talked to a regular angler that caught an 8 pounder on a fire tiger spinner further down stream. Very few anglers out this mostly bright and warm day. I have been behind the vise quite a bit as of late filling orders and scratching my head and innovating some new patterns to get these few skittish fish in the system to take an offering. The flow is at 216 cfs at the present which is just 8 cfs below the mean. Spotted a steelie today along a far bank but after one upstream and well led cast he spooked. Even the guys fishing waxes and spawn are having marginal success. No one likes to be the bearer of bad news but we desperately need a good soaker to get fish moving again. There was a mild caddis hatch today as well and the ducks were active...not much more to report. Hope to post a better report with some fish pics here soon. Almost forgot, did see an angler catch a sculpin today which is cool to see for the local river system. If only there were more bass we know what they would be targeting! Best of action out there and feel free to leave a report if you have a chance to wet a line here soon. All the best!
Site Administrator
Woodland Rivers
"Go W/ The Drift and Fish On!"
