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Shiver On The River: Reminder

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:06 pm
by Woodland Rivers
Just a friendly reminder that 'Shiver On The River' will take place tomorrow (Saturday) from 9 to 1:00 at Yates Park. We will have donuts and juice for those who attend as well as promotional items. Jeremy Geist from the CRWC will be speaking briefly on Aquatic Entomology and food web dynamics of the Clinton River. We will also be having a photo contest for the largest steelhead. prettiest steelhead and most unique fish caught over the past years on the Clinton. So bring your fish photos from years past or present date and you may win a gift item from Woodland Rivers. Hope to see many of you there will be cold so dress warm and Shiver On The River it will be!

P.S. For those anglers that will be fishing we will team you up with 2 to 4 folks that you will fish with and learn, techniques, effective baits and flies, etc.